Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Series of events

On my way to work as I was listening to the radio, the guy said that everything is predetermined but that doesn’t give us the excuse to stand still and wait for things to happen, the trick here is that what we are destined for would be made easier for us to reach,

going to work and thinking about all the effort I have been putting in each day and I wonder where am I going to reach, lately I’ve been putting so much weight on the experience it self, just to ease the stress of worrying about the outcome,

I’m always fascinated how things develop and result in totally different things, how small decisions can turn your life from one direction to an other, when something with a great magnitude happens, I’d go and trace back the series of events that lead to it, and so very often I find that they were only a sum of small things but they happened in a perfect sequence all in the right time and place that created the situation,

like dominos chain reaction, if at one point you took one peace out the chain would stop, or if the arrangement have been changed all the rest wouldn’t have to fall with the first, but that preciseness that makes it all fall apart,

tracing back some of my major events and I see it clearly, some times it could be just a word that I said or didn't say, a moment when I stayed and I shouldn’t stay, even a traffic light that I passed when I should’ve stopped,
to think of how my whole life has changed by a simple answer, an answer that wasn’t a no or a yes, it was just a maybe and that closed a path in my life forever, when you consider how your action comes into play, how even the small things you may do would lead you some where else, you should always be your most genuine you, don’t take things lightly and knowing with a convection that being who you are at all times would take you to your true destiny, so there will be no regrets, or self blame


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Keep on walking

One day I realized that, hey!! Attention I’ve been created in human form and I’ve been given a right to live ever since that winter night in 1983,

since then there has been certain facts that has been given to me by god, leaving them unmentioned for now, at that day I realized I had them and they in turn had me and that is god’s well, and al7amdollelah it’s working great for me, and in that I have no gratitude to give my self for it,

but the key thing is I realized that my time on planet earth is running out and there is no time to waste in:

1-lost cause issues

Since all of the above is a zero gain – total waste of time acts, and life is to short to be wasted in such manner, this could be your last 10 minutes alive, would you rather spend it in any of the above mentioned ways?

It’s time for action!!!
And here comes the big question, do what??
Some people they really don’t realize how lucky they are to have a passion, a goal that they know for sure that it’s what they want
In my past ultimate major plan, my goals rather concluded by “getting a job”, and my idea is after that when my new plans formulate it will be based on my career goals, that wasn’t the case
Let’s see
At 22 I graduated and I got a job
At 23 I really did start formulating new objectives most of which were work related
Around the end of 23 an unpleasant feeling started to creep into my sole, it was hollowness, it was like, Yes I’ve done it, and then next day I had nothing, a big “then what??”

After which I needed to take a good look into my self and start to “get to know me” so that I can answer my question, what do you want to do with your life?

It was really hard, but rather informative, I discovered that I’m simply looking forward to experience life and understand it, to make my existing has a value and a meaning, a benefit in the lives of others, to become the best version of me, and to be involved in the lives of whom I care about and who care about me, I want to learn and be exposed to life in it’s varying forms, I’m walking my way whether I wanted or not towards the end of the line but I want to make the journey worthwhile

I’m fascinated by new events that fate waves its story, meeting new characters and the surprise of your reaction into unexpected conditions; I have a passion for development and growth
So I finally made up my mind, Enshallah I want to continue my studies, and I’d prefer if it would be somewhere out of Kuwait, in one book I learned that materials are lost and gained, but things that are never lost are sound perception, and a clearer insight

During the past couple of years I’ve had the taste of understanding the world a little better and to me it’s addictive and I will not allow my self to stop, I think it’s the true beauty of being a human

so at the beginning of my 24th year I’ve decided that enshallah I’ll make it my base year, where I establish my specific goals, lay out an action plan with deadlines, and then work may way in to preparation

for my next 25th year enshallah it would be the action plan execution first phase, the launch

I’m now in my third quarter of the base year, al7amdoleallah things are going smoothly, my feeling of void has vanished, either or I get to achieve my goals or not there would be only two things that matters to me the most,
First: I’ve done all that I can possibly do to achieve it
Second: I’d learn a thing or two along the way :’)


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How it all started

Yes I dare to dream and I don't stop at that, I want my dreams to come true too,

talking about fairy tales, I believed in them, not any more, but till two years ago I did, had the wildest dreams, the life was an open space, my goals where right there next door to stars and what could’ve stopped me, I'm standing their at the beginning of the start line with my degree fresh out of the oven, and a high sprit

and then a reality check!!

First how far will you go finding a job without what is locally known around here by "wastah" in translation connections to people who can help you out, let me answer the question, not very far, all the good places need even better connections, so finding a job in Kuwait is a very challenging task, and it’s even harder without having the wastah factor in play

Heard about it all my life here in Kuwait but to be in direct contact with that bitter truth actually SUCKS!!

No worries, I didn't give up, what was that? A little bump on the road, it's not that I didn't see it coming, anyways moving on with my job hunting mission

Let's see, it was search, tons of copies of every piece paper I have about my life a dozen and a half photos, tests, interviews, phone calls, second interviews, thank god two months later I have received an offer from an international company, hope has been revived in my "I can concur the world" dream

By the way the job profile I was looking for was: any where private, working in the government was out of the question and to write down all the reason why I didn’t want to work in the government I’ll need an other page,A job that is in my field of study, dynamic, where I can work learn and create something that would make a difference

The above where criteria that most of Kuwaiti graduates would not agree with, since the general idea is go for minimum hours highest pay and minimum work, straight and simple

but as I discovered latter on that a standing across from a general preference would actually create me on other road bump, so here it comes

Second, I was faced with wave of disagreement, It is true especially in a small country added to the fact that I'm a female, where "what would people think?" would define your path in life, given the fact that you let them,
Being different was one thing but crossing the line was not something that people would let you get away with, the major factor that erupted the volcano was that this job requires traveling and a female traveling alone is a taboo in a conservative society

anyways skipping all the drama I wasn't going to let it go, just being so close to my dream and I worked hard for it and god has given me the chance to make it true, there was no turning back

And it happened August 2005 I started new path in my life that has changed me ever so profoundly and now I thank god for having it and thank my dad who gave me the right to choose, trusted me and treated me as an adult in spite of what all the others say,I'm so proud of having you dad, I wouldn't be the person that I am without you….

Monday, July 23, 2007


In my world my experience, just as I believe every one else is, has been developed through environment and other people direct or indirect actions

Fortunately being born at the 80’s in Kuwait actually got me a childhood, where we used to be normal kids watching cartoons and playing games out in the 7owsh with other kids, ultimate happiness would be by receiving a heart shaped lollypop from great grandma, looking for spider webs in the bricks of the old house and tearing them apart, believing every thing we were told like “if you lied and go to sleep you’ll wake up with a tail!!” that’s creepy, reading my first story “Florence Nightingale” losing my teeth “the seen wasn’t that lovely” and getting the famous question “how many windows have you got?”

Thank god for that

Now in Kuwait there is no more kids, you walk around and a 13 year old would dress up like a 25 year old plus the attitude!!
Seriously what went wrong???
I feel sorry for them; I really can’t see how they’d grow up to be adult humans, while they are skipping an entire decade of their lives, becoming copy cats of others

That’s a serious issue thinking that this upcoming generation would rule us one day, hell no I don’t want to be here when that happens, it’s not that hard to point the finger on who is to blame on that, I think it’s mostly the parents and yes call it conspiracy theory but I’d also blame greed,
those companies who can’t let an entire population out of reach and would like to market their products to them regardless of any measure other than they are moving loads of cash, and it’s not just the traders also the media, we live in the time and age where concepts of wrong and right has vanished where every one going for the fast lane, and that subsequently has corrupted the lives of our new coming humans

But still the responsibility for raising those kids falls on the parents, and yes now they have more challenging task to protect their kids, instead the new definition of Kuwaiti parents are Kumar the driver and Mary the maid and by the time they hit 13 they are on their own if not earlier,
god have mercy on our souls, if you guys are not up to the responsibility of having kids please don’t bring them!!


Friday, July 20, 2007

Opening Editorial

Salam Alikom,

My name is Maha = Oryx, I'm from Kuwait, I'm a 24 years old Industrial Engineer, and for those who can't tell just by the name, I'm a female.

I've been thinking about creating this blog for quite some time now, but today I've finally done it thanks to my dearest friend Maryam, My SunShine, her act of encouragement have got me to grab my computer and seize the moment, Thank you sweetheart :*

So to introduce the purpose of this blog, I could say that it's my own form of art, as humans through out life have expressed and shared their experiences through multiple forms, which most of the time needed talent, such as painting, poetry, singing, writing, etc…, I'd like to document my life experiences and share it out with you my fellow humans.

Keeping in mind, that I’m a dynamic person, and I truly believe in the evolution process
My ideas are layed down now based on experiments and surrounding environment and when proven wrong I hold on to the right of changing my mind with the certainty that it’s adding more to my overall understanding

Life is a fascinating journey so far it has showed me that true accomplishments are achieved within ourselves….
