Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Series of events

On my way to work as I was listening to the radio, the guy said that everything is predetermined but that doesn’t give us the excuse to stand still and wait for things to happen, the trick here is that what we are destined for would be made easier for us to reach,

going to work and thinking about all the effort I have been putting in each day and I wonder where am I going to reach, lately I’ve been putting so much weight on the experience it self, just to ease the stress of worrying about the outcome,

I’m always fascinated how things develop and result in totally different things, how small decisions can turn your life from one direction to an other, when something with a great magnitude happens, I’d go and trace back the series of events that lead to it, and so very often I find that they were only a sum of small things but they happened in a perfect sequence all in the right time and place that created the situation,

like dominos chain reaction, if at one point you took one peace out the chain would stop, or if the arrangement have been changed all the rest wouldn’t have to fall with the first, but that preciseness that makes it all fall apart,

tracing back some of my major events and I see it clearly, some times it could be just a word that I said or didn't say, a moment when I stayed and I shouldn’t stay, even a traffic light that I passed when I should’ve stopped,
to think of how my whole life has changed by a simple answer, an answer that wasn’t a no or a yes, it was just a maybe and that closed a path in my life forever, when you consider how your action comes into play, how even the small things you may do would lead you some where else, you should always be your most genuine you, don’t take things lightly and knowing with a convection that being who you are at all times would take you to your true destiny, so there will be no regrets, or self blame


1 comment:

Bloggylife said...

I remember thinking about this as a child. How come people go to heaven or hell when their fate is already decided. I came to a conclusion. That GOD lays out choices for us and it is up to us to make the right one. GOD does not decide for us, he already knows what we are going to choose. So our series of choices and actions determine our path in life.