Thursday, October 18, 2007

جيل واعي و لكن؟!؟!؟

Asma3 kalamik asada2k ashof amorak ast3geb?!?

Kuwaiti society, mashallah 3lyh, has two main characteristics that severely contradicts each other:

The first, it has so many short comings
The second, we all know about them!!!!

So when we all know that

-people will always look into your business, malagyf o bala’3at el shaf at full charge
-The way to go in Kuwait is to have wa96ah
-Driving in Kuwait is equivalent to committing suicide
-We are a racist nation
-People have double measures which they judge people by and judge themselves by

And the list never stops, and when you talk about them you’ll find the replay like this
-Yeah Yeah
-Ee wallah
And added to it more live examples on their side of situations they have experienced, O b3deyn???

Elly I get is that people do know what’s wrong and what’s right, and would sit there talk for hours about idealism and the second they are in a situation they act exactly the opposite?!?!!? Shesalfah = what’s the deal??
Isn’t that called hypocorism?

And when you say, ya flan, tawek ga3ed etgool shay, sheno hatha ely ga3ed etsaweyh, eyyek el replay walla a7la:

-shino 7alal 3la ‘3yery 7aram 3lay?? “la wallah?!”
-that’s how things are!!! Wyenk mo 3aysh beldenyah?!
-Or those who start to give excuses to justify for them selves,
wallah spare me!!

No shame= ma yeste7on ?? So you can think and understand la o el moshkilah debate but when it comes to action, absher bel ‘7re6ey!!

Walla how we are supposed to make this country a place so we can all live?? 9ij ley galow deyrat ba6ye’7 mashyah 3l barakah!! Wa 7asratahhhhhhhhh,
mo elmafro’9 that we the youth are supposed to influence and shape the world around us?? "a'7af bs"

Bs leymeta??
أما ان الاون؟
(I try to avoid writing in arabic cause I’m not sure about the spilling “Wa fashlatahhhh”)

What if (me started hallucinating) every one 9ar she7lylah and do the right thing, go to work and work, be nice to people, quite sawalif wa96at and boog, if each one put a little effort form their side wallah one day you’ll wake up and this would be such a great place to live in, start with yourself
And enshallah we can make this is a better place… “shino hal 3aba6 ely ana fyh??”


P.S. maadrey shfeyney 9ayrah bitching wayed hal couple of days!!!


Bloggylife said...

wallah i'm with you bitching too. Bas khalas, I know ina ma fee fayda and the a$$h*les in this world will get all what they want and live happy.
One just has to hold on to her beliefs as long as she can and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

First thanks for bringing out this topic , I always had a strong opinion about this issue specially I know no one will like what I am about to say but I am going to say it anyways , I believe the problem is that we don't accept the word "different" very well, for example if anyone tries to be them selves what ever that is they will have to know that this society won't accept them and they will fight them too till the last drop so if u want to actually go to work and work u will be called silly or simply u have no life that’s why u actually work , if u believed in something and acted upon it, u will be called crazy and the list goes on , so I think most of us think that we are not so judgmental towards other ppl who aren't like us but the fact is that WE ARE we just don't want to admitted , the solution is to be more accepting of the fact that we are different and stop judging others and just focus on ur self

Oryx said...

Wallah sadly this is the truth, anyways at the end god will ey7aseb each one for him/her self, allah ey3eyna walla hope we don’t slip away too

I think there is a misunderstanding here,
I must say that this was not my intention from the post, it’s just to point out that:
“People are completely aware of what they are doing is wrong and still will go ahead and do it anyways.”

and about what you were talking about, no one can stop people from talking or thinking or having an opinion, it’s purely theirs and it effects their lives, and here comes self confidence, if you are sure of what you are doing, then you wouldn’t care of what they think, that what creates great people whom by there work changed lives of many others, of course they’ve been fought not just by words but physically and still they continued cause they believed in themselves and what they do

اجار الدين كشمش said...

i speek english iam like

this >>

انا مثل عبدالحسين عبدالرضا

في باي باي لندن

مع بوستج

مااااااااااااا شوفين

بعدين العربي مافيه اسبيلينق
مثل الانجليزي
كتبي لا تخافين 999بالمائه
من البولوغرز بدليات

لو الواحد بدقق علينا
اعتبري بوستاتج مثل
الفضائيات اللبنانيه كل بالهجه
اللبنانيه حتى صحفهم

دزي عمرج يعني بالعربي
قوووووووووو هد
لا تفتشلييين

Nazgul said...

Well you're not hallucinating..i think you're absolutely right and I am thankful someone feels the same way I do!
One day Kuwait will realize that the way its running things isnt right but lets hope that it would realize it before its too late.

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