Sunday, August 26, 2007

Work Blabber

I have challenged my self to complete the project from hell, it ended up having this title since I got a "she devil" with the package, and for the fact that it ended up not as good as it started,
the thing about this new experience is that it did tested my so called "experts" and I learned few valuable lessons, first of all, always account for unexpected items in your time line definition, finish early you’ll be praised finish late you’ll be condemned, other than that with some extra time, you can fine tune your work, my style, I always complete the bulk first then start shaping and fine tuning

Second, thinking outside the box could be the answer, this time following the rules didn’t work, only when I stepped back and thought openly, that was a drastic measure for the rules most obedient person

Third, depending on others is not a good idea, in the end I’ve wasted precious time explaining for them and waiting for a replay that never come, anticipating and disappointment plus stupidity, very irritating!!

And yes heard it before couple of months ago and tested it again, I think I’m really calm, though I erupt like a volcano inside but some how, I got to leach the beast and stay very polite and calm, well guess its not too let to develop some habits :’)

In my life I have this “character” at work which I have to deal with, unfortunately, we kicked it off well, as any well behaving strangers will, but as time progresses and as we deal with each other more we ended up on opposite sides, managed to avoid each other for a very long time, but as of today I’ll have to deal with this person AGAIN!! May god give me help and serenity, to deal with this mans crap!!

I just needed to clear my thoughts; these enshallah next two weeks should be hectic, work wise,guess summer has officially done


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