Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wedy a9adgik bs qaweya!!

العروس في الثانية والثمانين والزوج السعيد في الرابعة والعشرين في الارجنتين

بوينس ايرس (ا ف ب)- تزوجت سيدة في الثانية والثمانين من العمر بشاب يبلغ من العمر 24 عاما الجمعة في سانتا (470 كلم شمال العاصمة الارجنتينية بوينس ايرس) وهما يستعدان للسفر لقضاء شهر العسل في ريو دي جانييرو بالبرازيل.
وقال الزوج رينالدو وافيكشي لدى خروجه مكتب بلدية سانتا حيث ابرم عقد القران "لطالما احببت النساء الناضجات ولا آبه لما يقوله الاخرون".
من جانبها قالت العروس اديلفا فولبس انها كانت صديقة ام العريس التي طلبت منها قبل ان تموت الاهتمام بابنها الذي كان يبلغ من العمر 15 عاما.
واضافت "كان صغيرا ووحيدا لكن منذ اليوم الاول لعيشنا المشترك اصبح يكمل احدنا الاخر بشكل جيد. ثم تطورت العلاقة وبدأت تأخذ طريقا آخر. فتحت له قلبي وعرضت ان تتطور الامور". وقال الزوج ان العلاقة "ولدت على اساس الاحترام والحياة المشتركة ونحن لا نهتم بفارق العمر" مؤكدا ان "الحب وحده هو الذي يجمعنا ولا توجد اي مصلحة مادية (..) اديلفا ليس لها ابناء ليس لديها احد وقريبها الوحيد . وتابع بفخر "احبها وهي كل ما لدي في الحياة وهي المراة التي اخترتها


Bloggylife said...

lesson learned ... Raise a young boy then marry him. YUCK, that's disgusting, he's like a son

One question though, why are they having a honeymoon & where ... in a cemetary.

"لطالما احببت النساء اللواتي هن على حافة القبر "

Some one has mama's boy or is it gramma's boy issues ;)

I know i'm being mean ... bas as you said "ودي أصدق بس قوية"

You reminded me when i told Rania as i was driving the car that Macy Gray was married,

R: "What that woman is married!!!, i'm going to throw myself out the door" We laughed sooo HARD, she literally wanted to throw herself.

M: "In my opinion she doesn't look that bad"

R: "Who the F*CK are you kidding!!!"

Later on i showed Fatma her pic, she said she's not that ugly. But Roro has a mind of her own.

Anonymous said...

as i said before i prefer a younger guy (يكون للحين بقراطيسه)and that article support my theory , why do everyblody find it strange when a women is older than a guy but don't feel the same why when it's vice versa ?!

i wanna know how did she get him ? Damn this old lady she is lucky :)

meme is that picture u showd fatma of macy gray on a Good day ? cause this women with make up and fine cloth she is still Ugly she needs surgery (please ppl google her name )

Anonymous said...

i agree with Maryam...

Oryx said...

She was the friend of the mom!!! I don’t think so great grand ma!!,
how old was the mama when she had the kid, 60?? No no no it had to be a mistake, she was a friend of the grand mother or the great grand mother

And you pathetic sick woman, she asked you to take care of him not…. Yakh!!

And I’m sure why they’ve chosen Brazil so that she has to renew that vodo spill she placed on that poor thing

It’s when he said “Na’9egat” that was like, Maaaan she is beyond that stage some half a century ago, in comparison to fruit now she is uneatable to say the least

This is not mean, what ever could be said about this CRIME is very nice, how come a 21 get jailed if she does it with a 15 year old while this 82 gets away with it!!!

A couple years difference maybe, a 10 years difference hmmmm, but a 58 years?!?!? She lived her twenties in the past millennium around the 1940’s she happened to be around when Hitler was ruling and witnessed the turn of century, she is a life size history book
And in this particular case if it was an 82 guy marrying a 24 girl it would’ve been as terrible

And about Macy Gray, I don’t think she is that extremely awful

Me too

But we all should stand and clap our hands for that woman, I don’t believe for her to nail a 24 year old guy while her body is deteriorating was an easy job, No, she has spent the last 9 years and only god knows what she has been through, “I’m checking flights details for Argentina, any one coming with me?, I need to know how she did it before she dies!!!”
There has to be a reason why, not even love can make that combination happen!! And RoRo Yes I mean the....

Bloggylife said...

والله بفجونه اهوه من قراطيسة و بليفونه اهي للفبر

come one woman it's 60 yrs difference, it's not like Demi Moore&Ashton Kutcher.

woman on the death row is a fool. I mean it is love maybe, but between a son&his gramma. &u know they won't be any e7em e7em not with all the viagra in the world ;)

Roro ur better than that. We'll find a younger guy for you, though i don't recommend, age difference can be 5, 10 yrs you choose. LOOOL just wait till we find the guy ;)

btw I linked her name so you can click on Macy Gray&see her photos :D

Anonymous said...

he is 24 not 15 so i think he knows whats he is doing so he choose to be with her ?!

beauty is not all about how ur skin look like , i will be the same person when i am 70 years old and even though my appearance is different ?

I believe we shouldn't be so judgmental about ppl choices in life , even if u think oh I will never do such a thing cause it's wrong and I know better , no one is ever sure , time only will tell

Anonymous said...

I am coming take me with you :D

lawyer said...

فرصصصصصصه عمر :))))

Anonymous said...

garrait awwal jumla thalath marrat.. o insidamt =]

82? o 24? aked mokhtal 3aqleyyan =/ obo il 24 hatha ye6la3 7afeeed a7fad'ha

NewQ8 Bride said...

hehehehe eeeeewwwo ma a9deg 2 :)

how could i raise someone then marry him ??? we3

Oryx said...

Every time I read this
"لطالما احببت النساء اللواتي هن على حافة القبر "
Looooooooooooooooooool :D
It kills me,

I’m saying like
I’ll be using your proverb

‘7ala9 you are on board ;)

Eee wallah, and she used it well!!

Thanks for dropping by :’)
That’s what I was saying, me can’t believe he did it for love! He could have any woman why her?? I have to go to Argentina!!

New bride,
Welcome bride :’)
Ee wallah, imagine she used to drive him to school, assuming that she was able to drive at 73 :-P